The Fenaroli's of Borgotaro

The Fenaroli family of Borgotaro was founded by Giovanni, son of Bartolomeo early in the sixteenth century. Bartolomeo is the common ancestor, founder of both the Borgotaro and Porcigatone branches of the family. See "Porcigatone Family Tree" for more information.

The section, "We are Nobility" contains a map of Borgotaro, from the 19th century, showing important Fenaroli residences. Also the book referenced in that section lists Fenaroli's with important posts. Today there are no Fenaroli's in Borgotaro. What happened to them? Perhaps Giovanni Ernesto can help us answer that question.

Below are items sent by Giovanni Ernesto, that show there is still signs of a Fenaroli Presence in Borgotaro.

Cemetery Tombstone with the Family Crest

I used Google translate on this with very mixed result. I believe the last lines say:




I like that. I believe the year is 1874.



Family Crest on a Bench in the old Borgotaro Church.

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Buon Viaggio...........