The Delgrosso's of Glen Cove.
Meet the Delgrosso's of Glen Cove:
I asked Robert to pick a song for the page. I received the following response:
I think the song to use is "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. It's the right period and loved by both of my parents. Funny, my dad was in a show at church. He and a few of his buddies (Ray Calamari, Tom DiBartholomeo and Bill Duffy; all dead now) did a comedy skit. I don't remember much about it but that my dad played Fidel Castro and did a send up of "My Favorite Things" with the words changed to "Rockets and Sputniks and halls of militia, Masses of peasants and nuclear fission, Socialist workers without any dreams, These are a few of my favorite things." Ok, got to stop now. I miss him too much. Rob
Robert and Gary with Dad Albert
Robert, Jeff, Gary
Robert & Gary all dressed up.
Albert with the boys, Robert, Gary, Jeff & Christopher
Serious Fishing at Cozy Lake
Robert, Jeff, Gary, Christopher & Lisa Delgrosso.
The Patriarch of the family
This Photo was taken at the Hotel Gotham in 1923. John Delgrosso, Albert's father, my Uncle, married to Camille Fenaroli, was a young man at the time. The picture must have been taken near the kitchen. It illustrates a problem cooks in New York faced. The kitchen was usually located in the cellar, i.e underground. Often they were poorly ventilated. This shortened the life of many cooks at the time.
And how about those hats, all cooks had to wear them. I remember asking my father about those hats. See "Old Photos" Part 1, for a great picture of my father at the stove of the original Hudson Villa, wearing his hat. He told me the hats kept hair and perspiration from the food. They also provided some ventilation by being bulbous and airy. I checked with our resident
CIA expert and here is what he said.
"Yes, what your father told you about the hats is exactly correct. There are sociological and historical reasons that factor into the equation too, but the practical reasons for the hats are exactly as your father explained them to you.
Molto bene!"
Move on by selecting a menu item from the left side.
Bon Voyage...........