The Fenaroli Re-union
September 16, 2012

The First Event of the Re-union day. Mass at
The Church of The Madonna Di Contini.
Beautiful Day !! --- Beautiful Location !!

September of 2012, my children, Peter, Diane, Chris and I went to Italy to re-live our 1972 family trip and explore our Roots. We were so fortunate to actually make it happen. It has become a highlight of my life. The trip was in two parts. The first week was spent in beautiful Tavernola, on Lago D'Iseo, a pristine Alpine Lake. This first week was totally dedicated to our ancient roots and is the focus of this dissertation. The second week of our trip was spent in Borgotaro where we had a wonderful time visiting family and friends, our more current roots.

Tavernola and it's surrounding area, is where the original Fenarolis established the family in Italy.. They migrated from Germany at the turn of the tenth century, arriving with the invading Army of The Emperor of The Holy Roman Empire, Otto II of Saxony. The wonderful organizers of the Clan Re-union, Claudia and Giovanni Ernesto, picked Taverna as the site of the Re-union for all the right reasons. Using the Facebook Group, "siete Fenaroli..???", they sent out a Re-union notice world wide. The Re-union was held September 16, 2012 at the Hall of the Alpini just up mountain, so to speak, from Tavernola.

On the day of the Re-union, we met with Giovanni Ernesto and many family members from far and wide. About 100 attended and stayed to hear Giovanni's wonderful presentation on the first 500 years of our ancient history. Afterwards about 60 stayed for a wonderful lunch and getting to know each other. What follows is a description using photos and my limited understanding of what I heard.

To begin, the Fenarolis were suppliers of hay and fodder to the military of Otto II the emperor of The Holy Roman Empire. In today's world, hay and fodder are not considered sources of wealth. Think of hay and fodder as the gasoline of their times. Thousands of soldiers required an equal number of horses and draft animals, all requiring Hay and fodder. Without Hay and fodder armies could not move.

Initially the Fenarolis occupied fertile lands in the Vigolo valley above Tavernola. They arrived led by our Progenitor, Guglielmo Fenaroli, (Wilhelm Phenarolus), circa 1000 AD. Tavernola was the location of a Tavern/Inn on the shore of Lago D'Iseo. Over the next 200 years they became increasingly wealthy and influential and acquired many lands moving towards and into Tavernola. Giovanni Ernesto continued by describing the next several centuries. The Fenarolis became important military leaders and business oriented aristocrats involved in many of the industrial activities of the time, mills, foundries, lake transportation, vineyards and wine making, etc. They developed strong ties with Venice and established a strong leadership presence in Brecia. At this point , I must apologize for my inadequate Italian skills and hence limited absorption of all Giovanni Ernesto presented. Hopefully he will publish his life long work on the Origins and History of our family soon.

Giovanni Ernesto showing us the remains of The Fenaroli Fortress/Castle.

Fenaroli Tower
Note stone wall at the base. This marks the edge of the area of the landslide.
A landslide early in the 1900's took 90% of Tavernola into the lake. Most of the
Fenaroli Fortress/Castle disappeared.

Fresco on the wall of an old Tavernola house showing
the Fenaroli Crest. Giovanni Ernesto showed us many
Fenaroli crests thru-out the area.


Two Fenaroli estates in the Franciacorta area. Franciacorta is a very large
fertile area well known for its vineyards and fine wines. The Venetians ceded
the area to prominent Fenaroli families. In addition all taxes and duties
were waived. The Venetians awarded these honors to recognize the Fenaroli families
as valuable Allies in their wars with the Milanese.




Italian National Monument and 5 Star Hotel
The Fenaroli Villa Palace
My understanding is the villa was the country home,
(Think of Downton Abbey), of the Fenaroli family
that was domiciled in the Palace located in Brecia.

We ran out of time and missed visiting this most important Fenaroli site.
For more information on this Palace, visit "The Grand Collection ... etc.".
The auction selling off the Fenaroli fortune occurred in the Brescian Fenaroli Palace.

The Fenaroli Villa Palace is located in Rezzato, just outside of Brescia. For more information
on this impressive Vila, see "Key Events & Videos"> "Roots Trip to Italy, 2009".

September 16, 2012
The Re-union Day

It was the first Re-union ever held. Congratulations to Claudia and Giovanni Ernesto for organizing the event and doing such a wonderful job. Following are some photos and a copy of the Newspaper article covering the event. Yes, we were interviewed and please note one of the ancient spellings of our name.

Meeting Giovanni and Anna Maia in Tavernola.

Fenarolis arriving at the The Church of The Madonna Di Contini for mass.
There is a Fenaroli chapel in the church. The church is located above Tavernola.
So beautiful !

The Fenaroli Chapel.
The painting above the altar originally hung above the door of a Fenaroli Stable.
It was used as a roadside Shrine.
The church was built over the shrine. The painting is in its original location.
The original Fenaroli Stable door is embedded in the back of the Altar.

With Giovanni Ernesto just prior to his presentation on the
first 500 years of Fenaroli history starting with
Willelmo Phenarolus, cirxa 1000 AD.

Wonderful Luncheon at The Sala Di Alpini

Claudia, wonderful organizer with Family Members.

Meet Sandra & Fabio Fenaroli from Switzerland.
Thus photo was not taken at the Reunion.
It is from Facebook. They were at the Reunion and have recently married.
Viva i sposi !

Tavernola Poster given to Honored Guests, The Fenarolis of the USA.
We were so surprised and proud to receive the poster.
Mille Grazie, cugini Italiani.

Article in the "Eco Di Bergamo" newspaper.
That's us in the upper right hand corner, The USA Fenarolis.
We really enjoyed being part of a Cousin's Picnic in Italy.
Note once again an ancient spelling of Fenaroli.

This is the English translation of the "Eco Di Bergamo" Article.

Most likely additions to the site have come to an end. It is fitting that the Re-union be the last topic. In many ways it is the culmination of 35 years of digging into my past. I have enjoyed the honor of meeting and getting to know so many family members from far and wide..
God Bless All !!!

Move on by selecting a menu item from the left side.
Bon Voyage...........