What is a family? It's being with those you love.
Meet the Hagan Household, From left to right:
Christine Hagan born 1993, Diane Fenaroli-Hagan born, 1959, Joseph Fazio, born 1964 and Brian Hagan born 1994.
We have been through a lot together. We survived a divorce and welcomed Joe. In fact, the refrain in our theme song (Our House) was modified and became a ditty I (Diane Fenaroli-Hagan) would sing when I was about to lose it. It went like this:
The Hagan's Version of "Our House":
With two kids in the yard
And a Mommy that's so tired
And nothing is easy so boo-hoo!
In this picture, a decade or so later, we're at Dad's 80th birthday party (Oct. 25, 2009). The weather is spectacular. We're on the second floor of the Rhinecliff Hotel. It is a very bright and cheerful room with French doors that open to an outside veranda from which you can see the Hudson River and the Rhinecliff bridge. It's late October and the leaves are at their peak with color.
But, the place isn't what made this day so memorable. It is the love you could feel in the room. Everyone in attendance is honoring a very special man, my father, Arthur Fenaroli. To his surprise, Pete Fenaroli (son), Gianna Fenaroli (granddaughter), Maureen DiMarco (friend and fellow, world explorer), and I (daughter ) say a few words to thank him for the special ways he has touched our lives.
From left to right in the picture, I will now introduce you to my family:
* Christine Anne Hagan is finishing her senior year at Kings Park High School. When she isn't running, she is out with her friends or working at subway in town.
Brian James Hagan is a junior at Kings Park High School. He is a very gifted, xbox player and is my homebody. He recently started lifting weights and has an appetite that's insatiable.
* I am a mom, chauffeur, and full-time maid. In between those duties, I attempt to make a living in Marketing for a small, Internet software company.
* Joe is my Italian-Norwegian, CU. That stands for Committed Unmarried. I hate saying he's a boyfriend because that seems so immature and it diminishes his role. He's our cook and handyman and my BFF. If you don't know what BFF is, ask your grandchildren!
If you're ever in Suffolk County on Long Island, visit us. Joe cooks a mean chicken cacciatore.
Move on by selecting a menu item from the left side.
Bon Voyage...........