

The Family Tree


The Fenaroli's of Porcigatone

Thank you Giovanni Ernesto for constructing our Family Tree. The Porcigatone Branch of the Fenaroli Family was founded by Mananino son of Bartolomeo early in the Sixteenth Century. Bartolomeo is the common ancestor, founder, of both the Borgotaro and Porcigatone branches of the Fenaroli Family. Apparently he settled in Brunelli, near Borgotaro. Giovanni Ernesto sent the photo below of a fireplace in a house in Brunelli. Bartolomeo's name, using a early form of Fenaroli, Finari, is carved into the stone mantle along with the year 1514.

Bravo Giovanni Ernesto.

The Fenaroli's held important posts in the governing counsels of the area, see the section "We are Nobility". Currently, there are no Fenaroli's in the Porcigatone area. The farm site still exists as an Aziencia Agritouristica Lodge called "New Green Valley", featuring Horses and Horsemanship, see "Old Photos", "Fenaroli Farm in Porcigatone"

Fireplace in Brunelli

The date is, MDXIIII, 1514 and an abbreviated version of Fenaroli, Finar is carved into the Mantle.

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Buon Viaggio...........